Tucson Mayor proclaims May Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild this week presented representatives of the UA Cancer Center's Skin Cancer Institute with a city proclamation to encourage residents to be sun safe - in May and all year long.

In return, representatives of the Institute presented the Mayor's office with a Protect Your Skin kit, including two sun screen dispensers which will be installed in restrooms on the top floor of Tucson City Hall.

The proclamation reads:

• Whereas, Tucson and Southern Arizona are known for their sunny days; and

• Whereas, more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States; and

• Whereas, most skin cancer can be prevented by covering up with long sleeves, long pants, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses, and using sunscreen on areas of the skin that you cannot cover; and

• Whereas, the University of Arizona Cancer Center is home to the Skin Cancer Institute, whose mission is outreach, research, patient care and education;

• Now, therefore, I, Jonathan Rothschild, Mayor of the City of Tucson, Arizona, do hereby proclaim, May 2013 to be SKIN CANCER DETECTION AND PREVENTION MONTH in this community, and encourage all of our citizens to protect their skin.

May 15, 2013