Melanoma Walk 2013 sets attendance, donation records

The Skin Cancer Institute at the University of Arizona Cancer Center raised almost $55,000 through its fourth annual Melanoma Walk, held Nov. 2.

A new record of more than 400 people attended the 1.5-mile walk event, which included fundraising prizes and giveaways, live music, a silent auction and activities for children.

Free skin cancer screenings were also offered. Five of Tucson’s finest dermatologists generously volunteered their time and screened 75 people for skin cancer.

Melanoma Walk 2013 proved to be the Skin Cancer Institute’s most successful fundraising effort to date, as funds raised this year surpassed 2012 donations by more than $10,000. Proceeds from the walk directly support melanoma research, community outreach, education and patient care in Arizona.

“The walk offers a wonderful opportunity for people to share their stories, honor their loved ones, show their support, and join the fight against melanoma.” says Lisa Quale, the health educator for the Skin Cancer Institute.

Plans are already underway for Melanoma Walk 2014. The date is yet to be determined.

Founded in 2005, the Skin Cancer Institute at the University of Arizona Cancer Center is the only skin cancer organization of its kind that unites patient care, research, outreach and education into one coordinated entity. The Skin Cancer Institute is poised to serve as the model for community-based skin cancer research and care in the United States and relies purely on grants and donations for operation.

Get more information, see walk hotos, and make a donation toward Melanoma Walk 2013.The Skin Cancer Institute is online.

- Nov. 19, 2013